Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Chemical weapons already being used in US

Ronald Reagan used chemical weapons on students at Berkeley.

From Raviya Ismail at Earthjustice:
On Friday the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency withdrew a pair of proposed regulations that would have increased transparency of health and safety information related to potentially dangerous chemicals.
Read why chemical companies are backing the 'Chemical Safety Improvement Act' at the Environmental Working Group's Enviroblog.

Recall the 2005 secret Cheney energy task force. Koch Industries had millions of tons of waste chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene that the Environmental Protection Agency was pressuring them to destroy. A plan was hatched by Bush Interior Secretary Gale Norton to skirt regulation and force the EPA administrator to allow the pumping of these volatile chemicals into oil shale.

From an EPA press release, 05/29/2013, contact Molly Hooven:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today proposed two rules to help protect Americans from exposure to the harmful chemical formaldehyde, consistent with a Federal law unanimously passed by Congress in 2010. EPA's first proposal limits how much formaldehyde may be emitted from hardwood plywood, medium-density fiberboard, particleboard and finished goods, that are sold, supplied, offered for sale, manufactured, or imported in the United States. The second proposal establishes a third-party certification framework designed to ensure that manufacturers of composite wood products meet the TSCA formaldehyde emission standards by having their composite wood products certified though an accredited third-party certifier.

Wetlands are being destroyed for cropland, livestock demands on water supplies dwarf the needs of cities, global biodiversity is threatened, Arctic ice packs are disappearing, humans are breeding less nutritious food and pesticides are killing native pollinators.
According to Joseph Burger—University of New Mexico PhD student and key player in the development of human macroecology studiesat its core, human macroecology is “the statistical study of exchanges of energy, materials and information between humans and the environment across spatial scales, from local to global and temporal scales, from years to millennia”. Macroecology considers the human species as functioning within the constraints of the natural world, rather than being uniquely divorced from natural resource limitations. The trends that this research continually unveils—massive overexploitation of resources at an unsustainable rate—are very serious. [The Emerging Field of Human Macroecology, Anne-Marie Hodge, Scientific American, May 28, 2013]

Will the US really want chemical weapons manufactured by Israel, the US and the UK turned over to international control?

No one has yet to prove that Mossad and/or the Israel Defense Forces has not gassed Syria:
A former British ambassador underlined that Britain has not had access to any conversation or document showing that the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government has used chemical weapons against its citizens, and said that the US has been deceived by the Israeli spy agency Mossad’s fabricated documents. [Ex-UK Envoy: US Deceived by Mossad's Fabricated Intelligence on Syria, FARS News Agency]

Meanwhile, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is bribing the US Congress to bomb the Islamic country:
Officials say that some 250 Jewish leaders and AIPAC activists will storm the halls on Capitol Hill beginning next week to persuade lawmakers that Congress must adopt the resolution or risk emboldening Iran’s efforts to build a nuclear weapon. They are expected to lobby virtually every member of Congress, arguing that “barbarism” by the Assad regime cannot be tolerated, and that failing to act would “send a message” to Tehran that the U.S. won’t stand up to hostile countries’ efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction, according to a source with the group. [Manu Raju, POLITICO]
Rewild the West.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Follwing the end of World War II in 1945, the US faced a big problem; an entire part of its economy, the war department, was now out of business. Fortunately, some clever scientists realized the same chemicals used to make gunpowder and explosives, like Ammonium Nitrate, are also great for making pesticides and fertilizers. Wasting no time, the Green Revolution swept America and soon the same companies that once made bombs, were now selling fertilizers, pesticides, even the seeds farmers needed to start producing food industrially.