Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Wyoming bracing for states' rights eruption on southern border, embracing failed state status

What is a backwards, dying cesspool of a red nanny state to do? Lock 'em up a throw away the key, of course.

Peter Baumann writes at the Laramie Boomerang:
“I anticipate we’ll probably see an increase, but we’ll handle those in the same manner as we have in the past through an arrest for possession of a controlled substance,” Albany County Sheriff Dave O’Malley said. “I don’t know that we’ll see a huge increase, but I anticipate that common sense dictates there will be an increase.” “We actually saw an increase when they did the prescription authority down in Colorado,” he said. “Our deputies will stop somebody driving down (Highway) 287 or some other highway and find that they’re in possession of marijuana. Normally they go, ‘Hey dude, I’ve got a prescription,’ but it’s kind of like, ‘Hey dude, they don’t work in Wyoming.’”
ACLU of Wyoming:
Deficiencies in medical and mental health care top the list of complaints from prisoners in Wyoming. These complaints are especially concerning in light of the fact that many mental health patients end up in Wyoming’s justice system. Other areas in which we received a high frequency of complaints include civil liberties, conditions of confinement and threats to personal safety.
Joan Barron, Casper Star-Tribune:
More than half of the $11.5 million budget cut proposed by the Wyoming Department of Corrections would come from savings on inmate health care costs.
Adam Voge also at trib.com
It had been only two days since Christopher Krumm killed Heidi Arnold and his father, Jim Krumm, perhaps only minutes apart. Christopher first took Heidi’s life then drove to Casper College, where he found his father about to teach a class. He shot him with an arrow from a compound bow and the two struggled. Chris cut himself enough with a knife that he would soon die. He then plunged a large knife into his father.
The AP reports there, too:
Gov. Matt Mead is recommending that Wyoming not accept federal money for an expansion of the Medicaid program, a key component of the Affordable Care Act.
Mandarin? Why not Shoshoni?


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