
SDGOP not so civil war drawing blood, flinging feces, hurting women

I am no fan of Earth hater, Lee Schoenbeck because he helped to cover up catholic crimes against children and vulnerable adults so when a lame duck like he is turns on his own party members it’s pretty obvious nobody pays any attention to Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment anymore especially in a failed red state like South Dakota

Go pop some popcorn then read through the comments under Mr. Schoenbeck’s screed linked below and see for yourselves how broke and broken the South Dakota Republican Party is. Be aware that Pernicious Pug, Pat Powers, who makes a stopped clock look like a well-greased machine salts his blog comment section with a seemingly infinite variety of aliases that threaten or jeer his political enemies and even his readers.
All of the money went to people on the extreme end of the political spectrum. Only candidates that [sic] would support the political careers of Jon Hansen, Fred Deutsch, Scott Odenbach and Spencer Gosch were worthy of seeing our misappropriated donor dollars. 
What these people have done with our donor dollars is much worse than this looks. We always were about pro-life. Now, [South Dakota Right to Life] spends our dollars to oppose 100% pro-life public servants. Only those that are part of the “tin foil hat” world view, so they will support Jon Hansen for Speaker and Scott Odenbach for Majority Leader, were deemed worthy of getting our misappropriated funds. 
We pro-lifers, that [sic] aren’t part of the “tin foil hat” world need a place to send our funds in support of the sanctity of life. There are thousands of us in South Dakota. Hopefully a trustworthy new option will surface. We still have much work to do to reach the hearts and minds across our whole state on the sanctity of human life. Time to go hug our kids and grandkids and pray for our future. [Schoenbeck, Dakota War Toilet]
1. Abortion is health care and a pregnant woman is the patient. 

2. Ectopic pregnancies kill women. 

3. Rich women have full reproductive rights while women at the lower income margins suffer chilling effects on those rights. Women in Texas, Wyoming and South Dakota who can afford it simply jump on a plane and fly to Albuquerque, Minneapolis, Denver or elsewhere for their procedures. Imagine a woman on the Standing Rock or Pine Ridge doing that. 

4. South Dakota’s repeated attempts to restrict access to medical care are not only mean-spirited, they're discriminatory anti-choice extremism. 

5. "Pro-life" is simply code for white people breeding. The extreme white wing of the Republican Party is driving the abolition of women’s rights because they’re wedded to the Great Replacement Hypothesis. African-Americans terminate pregnancies at about the same per capita rate as white people do but don’t take their jobs. Latinas, however, have fewer abortions per capita so the extreme white wing laments it's hemorrhaging jobs to Latinos. 

6. No foetus in the United States has any civil rights. Republicans preach civil rights for human blastocysts but deny the protections of the First, Fourth and Ninth Amendments to people who enjoy cannabis. 

7. Republican politicians drive their anti-woman crusade to raise campaign dollars so ending reproductive rights in red states is Balkanizing women's health care. 

8. A blastocyst is no more an unborn child than it is an unborn grandparent. Foetal development is undefined in US Constitutional law so if someone calls it a baby that's an opinion and not a legal definition. 

9. There is no foetal heartbeat until at least ten weeks into a pregnancy. What an ultrasound “hears” at six weeks are cells beginning to built a cardiac system entirely dependent on amniotic fluid produced by a person with actual civil rights.

10. States that ban or punish women from going out of state for their procedures or medications are violating the Commerce Clause enumerated in the United States Constitution. 

11. One fifth of all pregnancies end in miscarriage or as some would call God working in mysterious ways but when a person chooses to terminate a pregnancy the creator doesn’t condone that decision? How does that work?

1 comment:

larry kurtz said...

“Because there are so many medical situations where termination of a pregnancy is in the mother’s best interest—especially in cases where the fetus has no chance of surviving," Buehner said. "It might have a lethal anomaly, anencephaly—which is no brain, certain chromosome anomalies. Things where they just don’t have a chance of survival, but if there’s a heartbeat we can’t intervene.” SDPB