Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Weiland, Frankenfeld riding waambulance all the way to the bank

Of course, South Dakota is corrupt but nobody will ever do anything about it except whine.
According to a May poll, 91 percent of S.D. voters, regardless of political affiliation, support tough anti-corruption reforms like these. Protectors of the status quo and the special interests who support them are going to do everything they can to malign our effort. They will portray the proposal as something it isn’t. They will dismiss it as unrealistic. They will attack us personally. Our challenge is to stick to facts and principles, and pass a tough anti-corruption law that will transform that failing integrity report from an “F” to a sparkling “A” for excellence. If We The People – conservatives, moderates, independents, libertarians and liberals – do that together, if we approve the Government Accountability and Anti-Corruption Act, we can and will end status quo politics and restore integrity to South Dakota politics. [Rick Weiland, Don Frankenfeld]
Waaah, fucking waaaah and mail a check.

When 15 percent of eligible voters turn out for elections Rick and Don are just farting in the bathtub they're sharing.

Wake up and smell the cannabis, dudes.

East River? Who cares?

The Wanblee district should be in Oglala Lakota County then Jackson should be rolled into Haakon, Jones and Lyman Counties. Stanley and Sully should be rolled into Hughes. Mellette, Bennett, Todd, Gregory and Tripp should be one county. Dewey, Ziebach and Corson should be a county. Butte, Harding and Perkins should be one. Lawrence and Meade should be one, Fall River and Custer should be one.

The entire state should offer early absentee voting.

Fine. Stanley might be happier being in with Lyman and the others. East River is a dead zone.

you miserable bastardos. everything east of the missouri river is cleveland. sorry i even brought it up.

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