Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


South Dakota tribe legalizes cannabis

How the Flandreau Santee Sioux Nation will get seeds and clones while being surrounded by Jackley-booted thugs remains a mystery.

Banking will be a challenge but the tribe trapped in South Dakota is approaching the cannabis on-ramp after voting to take another step.
The ordinance approves marijuana consumption only inside of a single facility that has yet to be determined. Members of the executive committee describe the proposed facility to function similarly to a bar. Tribe officials said that marijuana will not be allowed to leave that location. [KELO teevee]
The economic development potential is nearly limitless for the small tribal nation already operating a casino, perhaps where proceeds from a cash-only enterprise might enter the financial system. The tribe's charter (pdf) seems to allow access to banking.

The tribe recently severed its relationship with the community's police department.
The initial agreement, back in 2000, aimed to consolidate resources, law enforcement services and train officers to deal respectfully and responsibly with all citizens, Native and non-Native. And, it has accomplished many of those goals over the years. But both city and tribal officials agree an ongoing lack of good communication probably led to a breakdown in the partnership. City officials.. and tribal officials would all argue they've tried to communicate. There are simply differences of opinion and quite honestly, laws and goals when it comes to tribal entities versus non-tribal. [KSFY teevee]
The Moody County Enterprise has a story linked here.

A former chairman of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate is a tribal liaison for a cannabis development firm.
Tex Hall, the former chairman of the oil-rich Three Affiliated Tribes, and Robert Shepherd, former chairman of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate tribe in northeastern South Dakota and southeastern North Dakota, are trying to recruit and assist tribes in producing high-grade marijuana products. [Associated Press]
US tribes are considered the 51st State by federal agencies including the Department of the Interior.
Mnì, Grassroots for Water Justice, has invited Alex White Plume, Oglala Lakota hemp revolutionary, to speak of the many beneficial uses and properties of the cannabis plant, most particularly industrial hemp and medical marijuana, and the legalization of its growth and industry under tribal law. Mni will host and feed at a meeting on June 19, 2015 from 5-10: 00 p.m MDT, at the Cheyenne River Motel Conference Room, in Eagle Butte, SD. [West River Eagle]
Former US Attorney for the District of North Dakota, Timothy Purdon is representing White Plume who has been trying to grow cannabis on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota for at least twenty years. An injunction filed in federal court forbids White Plume from cultivation.


Duffer said...

Jackley-booted thugs . . . I like that one

Life in Custer . . . this morning another missal from the Klan deposited in our drive-way under cover of darkness. This one titled "Blue Lives Matter" - referring to the horror (of course) of police being prosecuted for shooting unarmed people (people of color mostly, but hippies are okay too) in the back. In the back. Unarmed.

With friends like those . . .

Looks like a good morning to gurgle the glassware. 8)

larry kurtz said...

Always good to smell ya, Duff!

larry kurtz said...

According to a regular commenter at Dakota Free Press: "in Indianapolis v. Edmund the SCOTUS ruled that drug checkpoints are unconstitutional."

Duffer said...

If it's the recent decision I've read - the Court ruled that police could no longer detain vehicles/persons on the road-side while waiting for drug-sniffing dogs to arrive on the scene. The act of detention without charge was the problem. I wonder what difference it will make really - make the call, let them go, run them down further down the road when the dogs can be on the scene. Probable cause is a joke to the thugs running our criminal-justice industry.

State Supreme Courts made this all happen. Prosecution with a vengeance/ignorance of the 4th Ammendment.

Please show me I'm wrong here.

larry kurtz said...

Marty blockading the Santee Sioux rez ala Bill Janklow at the border is to be expected, Duff. He's on a mission from dog.