Los Cerrillos
March 26, 2025


Coup of South Dakota judiciary underway

South Dakota's 7th Judicial Circuit has been attacked and may have fallen.  The Anwar al Awlaki of Racial Profiling, Pennington County States Attorney Glenn Brenner, and operatives of the Republican Party have virtually tortured and may have assassinated Judge A.P. (Pete) Fuller.

From the Rapid City Journal:

Pennington County State’s Attorney Glenn Brenner, Rapid City Police Chief Steve Allender and then Pennington County Sheriff Don Holloway made the formal complaint in May that led to Fuller’s suspension and subsequent investigation by the Judicial Qualifications Commission, a seven-member body that includes 7th Circuit Court Judge Jeff Davis of Rapid City. The frustration in the State’s Attorney’s Office reached the boiling point when Judge Fuller called Rapid City police officers a “bunch of racists” while listening to an officer explain in a juvenile court hearing why he stopped a car driven by a Native American who was on probation.
The end is near for democracy and justice for indigenous South Dakotans in the state where the Shrine of Hypocrisy was carved by a Ku Klux Klan member standing on the bones of those massacred at Wounded Knee. 

Jerklaw was a member of Congress when he committed manslaughter; but, the point is well-stated.

Who's next?

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