
Nader: "it's in the hands of the people."

Ralph Nader is pissed—again.
Bernie Sanders campaigned on corporate power, and he won in a landslide in Vermont. And Harris refused to campaign with Bernie Sanders, but she campaigned in several states with Liz Cheney of the criminal Cheney family and the invasion of Iraq that killed over a million Iraqis. And Bernie, of course, supported Harris, but his positions were rejected constantly. He said, “Get the living wage up. Get universal healthcare up. Crack down on corporate crooks. Increase Social Security benefits that have been frozen for over 50 years. And get the taxation on the wealthy.” She ignored all that. [“This Is a Collapse of the Democratic Party:" Ralph Nader on Roots of Trump’s Win Over Harris]
Nader, who will turn 91 in February and sharper than anyone at his depth, spoke with Alternative Radio which aired over Santa Fe Public Radio on Saturday.

1 comment:

larry kurtz said...

"People really underrate how weird this is. People who read the news and vote a lot *swung toward Democrats in absolute terms*. Trump won because people who don’t follow politics closely swung massively toward him." David Shor