Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Looney Thunes and Hypokristi: red state collapse on parade

Bob Inglis is a conservative Republican former US House member who once doubted the Anthropocene. After he looked at the research he changed his mind and decided to speak out, he was mocked by people in his own party then trounced in 2010 by a Tea Party-backed candidate.

"I think we overreached in '98 — how's that for a quote you can use?" former Speaker Newt Gingrich told NPR's Mara Liasson. He urged his earth hater party to proceed with caution. "They need to be calm and factual," he said.

Sen. don Juan Thune (earth hater-SD) is a stooge, but David Letterman is hardly the first to call him that.

Rep. Kristi Noem (earth hater-SD) having pocketed subsidies is now cutting aid to the poorest, so it should come as no surprise that she's not the only hypocrite in her party.

Ryan Grim writes at HuffPost:
Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) is planning to push an amendment to the upcoming farm bill that would repeal the secret provision known as the Monsanto Protection Act, a rider attached anonymously to a spending bill that sailed through Congress in March. The provision allows Monsanto and other companies to continue selling genetically engineered seeds, even if a court has blocked them from doing so.
A second Supreme Court Justice has expressed regrets in the ruling that put a war criminal in the White House:
Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens said Thursday night that he’s come to the realization that the rationale behind the court’s Bush v. Gore decision that effectively decided the 2000 presidential election “was really quite unacceptable” because it differentiated between so-called “hanging chads” and “dimpled chads.” That distinction, he told a gala event for the liberal watchdog group Public Citizen in Washington, “violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.” All votes should have been considered the same way, he explained. Former Justice Sandra Day O’Connor recently expressed regret that the court had taken up the case at all, and Stevens said he was “pleased to hear” about O’Connor’s shift. [Alex Seitz-Wald, Salon]
Here's a woman with big balls:
A 38-year-old litigation assistant in the Nebraska Attorney General’s Office grew more than 100 marijuana plants in her Air Park home for more than three years, according to the Nebraska State Patrol. Kimberly Meidell, who worked in the AG’s office for nine years, was arrested about 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, along with her 38-year-old boyfriend, Eric Trost. [Jonathan Edwards, Lincoln Journal-Star.]
Wyoming's red moocher state status is displayed in graphic detail at the Gillette News Record.

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