
Boycott South Dakota

The Democratic Party in South Dakota is dead: this self-financed blog will no longer waste the time and resources in a losing game. A for-profit forum, Madville Times, has realized the money is in fighting the battle rather than winning it, has jettisoned interested party from its sidebar and has a Zionist earth hater South Dakota legislator at the top of its page.

My congratulations go out to the Republican Party of South Dakota for financing the Dakota War College which has continually led the way for its candidates. interested party will focus on states where Democrats have chances to win elections. All traces that this was once based in South Dakota will exist only in the archives.

Fuck you people.

Looks like David Newquist agrees.


Duffer said...

Don't believe I could add anything to Mr. Newquist's missal - as usual, he's on point

So are you Meester Kurtz. You hung in there with that fighting spirit much longer than I. Blog-sparring in South Duck is akin to pissing in to that damn NW wind.

I gave Obama money the first go-round. Now we see how that has worked out. SHS tried to straddle the fence and caught too many splinters. She didn't run because she knows she couldn't win. Polytyshuns without a base have no hope. Tom Daschle's milk-toast campaign against Jon Toon's (FREEDOM FIRST) campaign was indeed the icing on the cake in this State. What the hell does that mean - Freedom First? Hell, Thune didn't serve. South Dakotans licked it up.

So I gave up some time ago - not just here, but politics everywhere. I'll never again cast a vote for a human. These assholes can take their corporate fascism and shove it you know where; and we don't even want to start with the Courts. What a freakin joke.

So here's to you and me and our like-minded friends.

Stupid fuckers, indeed.

larry kurtz said...

I don't know what came over me, Duff, for believing there were enough Democrats in the chemical toilet to overcome red state collapse.

I learned at my daughter's graduation Sunday: well-attended by Rapid City Dems who have simply abandoned local politics because it's dirty, costly and futile.

Anonymous said...

Dems are stupid fuckers as well.

Stan Gibilisco said...

This Rational Republican will miss you, my friend.