
Expect a contested Republican convention

My working hypothesis means a floor fight at the Republican convention in Milwaukee between Nikki Haley and the other candidates since she has the second most delegates and Trump is toast

Kristi Noem knows it, too and is doing her utmost to trump Haley and win the nomination at a contested convention by winning a majority of the 2,284 delegates and keep an unaffiliated Liz Cheney out of the race as a spoiler.

So who’s the best Veep choice? My guess is Andy Biggs, a rabid Trumper and a Mormon from swing state, Arizona who could also bring Nevada with him. 

Devastating as it sounds there is gossip that Mrs. Noem could become Interior Secretary in a Haley cabinet.

What do y’all think?

1 comment:

larry kurtz said...

Kristi Noem substituted a dog as code for what she would like to do to Native Americans in her home state. Her father hated Indians, Trump hates Indians and like a puppy that she can’t train Mrs. Noem would put down any living thing if she could. I’ve been following her career since the aughts. She knows exactly what she’s doing.