
More cougars will be spared in the South Dakota Black Hills but in Wyoming not so much

This interested party lived in the Black Hills for nearly thirty years before seeing a cougar then saw three in the Two Bit drainage inside part of the Grizzly Gulch burn: two cubs in the Spring of 2006 and probably their mother the previous winter about four miles apart. The adult ran in the snow in front of my pickup long enough for me to reach for the camera in my glove box and realize there was no film in it. My friend, Herb watched six for an hour in his front yard near Devils Tower about ten years ago but he didn't have a camera on his flip phone.

South Dakota Game, Fish, and Plunder has been systematically exterminating the cougar population that had been discouraging wolves from migrating into the state and in 2015 mountain lions were nearly extirpated from the South Dakota side of the Black Hills.
The robust Black Hills mountain lion population has long been thought of as a conveyor belt of itinerant eastbound animals that will eventually culminate in Puma concolor reoccupying old haunts they were extirpated from long ago. The region’s reputation as a lion-dispersal factory is rooted in observation: Animals that have been fitted with tracking collars in the isolated bi-state mountain range have ended up treading into North Dakota, Minnesota, Colorado, Nebraska — and even well beyond. [Wyofile]
Since then the large felid has rebounded enough that SDGF&P considered removing them once again but after a public outcry the Republican-glutted commission has junked their plan. 

But in the Bear Lodge District in the Wyoming Black Hills the big cat may not be so fortunate because Earth haters in that state are shopping for outfitters and guides for hunting deer, wapiti, cougars, and wild turkeys. Each ranger district has this option but it tends to happen most often where congressional delegations are Republicans and Crook County is a colony of whiny anti-government welfare ranchers.
Paula Von Weller of Spearfish testified that mountain lions play a critical role as predators in the Black Hills, helping to reduce disease by preying on diseased, weakened animals. “Lions provide essential ecosystem services by removing chronic wasting disease from deer and elk populations,” Weller said. [State commission scraps plan to reduce mountain lion numbers after public pushback]
CWD is surging in Midwest states like Iowa and Minnesota but Wyoming and Colorado are seeing spikes, too. According to Wyoming Game and Fish, the disease, which occurs mainly in male cervids like wapiti, moose and deer, is found in 34 of the state's 37 mule deer herds and in 15 of the state’s 36 elk herd units. In parts of Canada 85% of male mule deer and 35% of females are infected. 

Colorado Parks and Wildlife's mandatory testing revealed increases in CWD in three of the state's mule deer herds. A warming climate is blamed for part of increased transmission rates but researchers say the federal government's feeding of elk, especially in Wyoming, in close proximity is also a factor. Hay fed to those animals is likely contaminated with Roundup® and other pesticides. Scavengers like American crows can move the disease from gut pile to gut pile and can remain in soils for years.

In Michigan where cougars are considered rare white-tailed deer are being decimated by CWD and by epizootic hemorrhagic disease or EHD.


Unaffiliated Spearditch candidate could help send a progressive to Pierre

Brookings County's pestilent plague is having a cow.

Shana McVickers is an unaffiliated candidate running for the Statehouse in South Dakota District 31 but she reads like just another member of the extreme white wing of the Republican Party. Also in that race is incumbent Republican Mary Fitzgerald who could lose a significant number of votes to McVickers and send the progressive, Victoria Greenlee to Pierre. 


Midwestern Trump states in 'significant recession:' Goss

Creighton University's Ernie Goss follows the economies of nine midwestern states and says manufacturing sectors in South Dakota, Missouri, and Iowa have been underperforming for at least five months straight. His Mid-America Business Conditions Index declined to 48.1 from 48.7 in August and represents the ninth time in 2024 that the index has drifted around growth neutral. Goss reports that the midwestern agricultural sector is now in a significant recession, and the region’s economic picture is lagging.

South Dakota is at full employment so expect inflation to claw higher in the coming months since the state has dropped to 48th in innovation potential, 45th in economic activity, 41st in overall economic ranking, 50th in share of technology companies and is still 47th in R&D spending per capita according to WalletHub. 

Goss says economic optimism among supply managers is waning, with about 62 percent expecting a recession or worsening conditions in the next six months.
“The overall economy is not in a recession. However, certain sectors in a recession, and I would argue right now that the manufacturing sector is in a slight recession. The agricultural sector is in a fairly significant recession.” [Creighton mfg. index slumps in Sept., pointing to mixed economic conditions ahead]


Arizona's voucher plan a $400 million black hole

Blurring one line between church and state America's founders extolled the virtue of education as local schools were run both by christian sects and by local municipalities under the Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution. But, in the late 19th and early 20th Century the Ku Klux Klan and those on the losing side believed John Wilkes Booth was a patriot who took out the US President that started the American Civil War directed by a Marxist Illuminati. Then after World War I the Klan grew to some 4 million members, got involved in education and its leader, Hiram Evans complained that the control of school textbooks had been taken away by "un-American forces." 

The concept of a charter school began in 1971 as a progressive movement but especially in red states has since been hijacked by the far white wing of the Republican Party to advance the New Apostolic Reformation. Dominion theology supposes christians must control the seven “mountains” of government, education, media, arts and entertainment, religion, family, and business in order to establish a global christianic theocracy and prepare the world for Jesus’ return.

The Trump Organization was simply the latest obstacle to public education because it hates people of color and social equity, too. Add it all up: Rupert Murdoch, a a not-so-closeted racist himself, the Kochs, the John Birch Society, the American Legislative Exchange Council or ALEC, the Council for National Policy, the National Rifle Association, Fox News, Tucker Carlson, their attacks on public education and their fear of the "Great Replacement." 

On Monday WBUR's On Point aired its second episode on school vouchers as part of a partnership with ProPublica and revealed that vouchers don't have to meet the level of transparency that Arizona requires of public schools.
In terms of transparency, I mean, as a reminder, this is all of our money as taxpayers, is public money being spent on private schools and homeschooling. It seems to me that that should come with some level of accountability. So, like, I, as a reporter or any other citizen of the state can't see private schools' budgets to see how our taxpayer dollars are being spent or homeschoolers' budgets. There are states like Arizona where there aren't testing requirements. [Eli Hager, ProPublica]
In my home state of South Dakota public money for private schools and homeschooling is still an explosive topic, too

ip photo: Saquaro National Park near Marana, Arizona.