
Daugaard: do as I say, not as I do

Gov. Dennis Daugaard released a statement recently on South Dakota Sen. Phil Jensen's controversial comments to the Rapid City Journal. "I found his comments to be completely out of line with South Dakota values," he said. "I don't agree with him and I haven't talked to anyone who does." [Mitchell Daily Republic]
Candidate Dennis Daugaard drew gasps from a State Fair audience in 2010 when he said: “I am skeptical about the science that suggests global warming is man-caused or can be corrected by man-made efforts."
A Halloween tradition in Pierre is for local kids to go trick-or-treating at the governor’s mansion, to get treats from the governor and first lady. Gov. Dennis Daugaard has been a good sport, not just participating but dressing up. Daugaard is Phil Robinson [sic], the duck whistle entrepreneur and patriarch at the heart of the show. Linda Daugaard is Phil’s wife Kay Robinson [sic]. [stolen under artistic license from David Montgomery's Political Smokeout]
In related news: the same NPR ombudsman who criticized the report exposing the Rounds and Daugaard practices of kidnapping American Indian children is urging his employer to abandon the use of the 'R' word when doing stories on the American football team. Listen for the howls of protest from the SDGOP.

Stupid state.

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