
GOP Veep pick hates American Indians too

Donald Trump's long con of vilifying, suing, slandering, libeling, sickening and killing American Indians has hoisted another ethnic cleansing brevet.

Recall that while speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast President Barack Obama counseled Americans to remember that Christians are disproportionately guilty of genocidal atrocities? JD Vance wants the attacks on Natives to continue.
In disavowing Indigenous Peoples’ Day, he found himself on common ground with Trump, who has been taking shots at American Indians and Alaska Natives for decades, often relying on racist stereotypes and offensive depictions of Native peoples. Vance also wants to override tribal sovereignty without consent with S.2738, the Freedom to Breathe Act. The bill bars tribes, whose peoples have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, from enacting their own mask mandate laws in schools and in public transit on their lands. [Trump selects Republican who called Indigenous Peoples’ Day ‘fake’ as running mate]
Learn more at the Washington Post.

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