
If Moms for Liberty is a hate group why isn't AFP one?

Americans for Prosperity is a Koch-soaked dark money group masquerading as a grassroots organization that now has an agent in tiny Sundance, Wyoming in a state where Democrats are threatened with violence if they even run for public office.

South Dakota's Earth hating legislators and candidates have enjoyed millions in lobbyist benefits from the Kochs' contribution arm, the American Legislative Exchange Council and the state's junior senator was elected with cash from ALEC-backed National Federation of Independent Business.

It doesn't take long to follow the money from these guys to the TEA movement and to Donald Trump's lunatic fringe. In 2015 reporter Lee Fang discovered that the Trump campaign roster read like a Koch/AFP tabloid.

South Dakota's Political Porker squeals with glee over the efforts of the Koch-powered AFP and pretends to be offended by the uncoded misogynistic hate speech being delivered in the center ring by the leading performer in his party's presidential clown show.

Kristi Noem's anti-civil rights actions are no accident because she's a graduate of ALEC, an anti-think tank think tank that teaches how wedge issues raise campaign dollars for the extreme white wing of the Republican Party.

But if the Southern Poverty Law Center can expose Moms for Liberty as a hate group why isn't AFP so branded? 
Americans for Prosperity isn’t the only Koch-funded political entity with connections to Moms for Liberty. Colorado-based Parents Defending Education organizer Mailynn Salabarria has taken to posting in Moms for Liberty Facebook groups in neighboring states in order to drum up — or astroturf — attendance for this summer’s Freedom Foundation “Teacher Freedom Summit.” [Labeled as a Hate Group, Moms for Liberty Doubles Down]

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