
Limbaugh panned Batman movie

The bad guy’s name: Bane. Which is audibly the same as Bain, the investment firm that Romney once headed and the company that President Obama’s campaign keeps characterizing as a jobs-destroying, “vampire” outfit. Sure enough, Limbaugh raised an eyebrow about the timing of the movie and the name of its villain on his radio program on Tuesday. He added, “This movie, the audience is going to be huge, lot of people are going to see the movie. And it’s a lot of brain-dead people, entertainment, the pop-culture crowd. --Paul Farhi, 17 July, Washington Post


  1. I would also note another statistic that probably plays into this. Montana, Wyoming and Alaska have led the nation in suicide for years.

    So suicides probably outnumber deaths like this in their maps.

  2. The map also includes accidental deaths - they have nothing to do with violence. A more reasonable set of data would be to look at murder rates:


    Some of the states with high murder rates are the same as states with high gun violence, some of them aren't.

  3. wtf Louisiana. No doubt which state takes the cake.

  4. Someone in that studio audience might have had to be armed with spent uranium bullets:

    "Without a doubt today's new state of the art weapons, high velocity rounds and metal jacketed bullets are now exceeding design limits considered adequate for soft body armor."

  5. My personal theory supported here.

    Interesting hypothesis that the FBI colluded with this guy here.

  6. In a memo outlining technology objectives, the US Special Operations Command notes that the special-forces "operator" of the future can expect to rely on "ergogenic substances" (such as drugs used by some athletes) "to manage environmental and mentally induced stress and to enhance the strength and aerobic endurance of the operator."



  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods


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