
Wilson should withdraw from SDPUC race amid SDGOP disintegration

This interested party is a thirty five year Democratic donor and volunteer for DSCC, DCCC and DLCC charged with South Dakota as a territory but nobody in those organizations believes a Democrat could win any statewide race in the red moocher state. 

So if Democrat Forrest Wilson withdraws from the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission contest Libertarian Gideon Oakes has a very strong chance to defeat Earth hater Kristie Fiegen. Republicans are militantly divided over the utility of eminent domain for private enterprise for pipelines to move carbon dioxide but are just fine with employing it for the entrepreneurial transport of oil and gas.

But the best news is the circular firing squad taking place within the SDGOP where fundraising has ceased to exist after Governor Kristi Noem signed SB 201 which some call the "Landowner Bill of Rights" further splitting the South Dakota Republican Party and caving to the Green New Deal.
The agenda was executed almost exactly as it was promulgated, without any of the drama and contention predicted by naysayers like those at Dakota War College. It was a shame that their gaslighting probably convinced some state central committee members not to attend. [Stu Cvrk, Report from the South Dakota GOP Special Meeting on 24 August]

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