
Freedom to die: Sturgis means death without dignity

Suicide by violent means is epidemic especially in red states like South Dakota and Wyoming so Republicans just go pffft when twelve bikers die during the Sturgis Rally. Yes, South Dakota's Trump-drunk Republican governor sells the state as one of the freest in the nation and even continual sobriety checkpoints have done little to discourage inebriated drivers from operating motor vehicles in Mrs. Noem's state. 

But, hypocrisy reigns supreme at the highest levels of power in South Dakota so residents endured another Rally where this year nearly a half a million attendees spent an average of a thousand dollars each so the sitting governor can crow about her leadership and self-reliance while moral hazards pay the bills. Hotels, motels and campgrounds in the Hills jack up their rates and fill to capacity so a murder of fat white Republican crows can swill alcohol, stuff their faces, buy Trump t-shirts and children for sex then kill themselves and each other with reckless abandon.

During the Rally riders loop through Aladdin to Hulett and Devils Tower then back through Sundance, Wyoming where, not coincidentally, Rapid City Regional now Monument Health has a "Sturgis Market" branch. Highways are often crowded to overfull and drunken bikers can be seen weaving over every roadway in the Black Hills. Deer are unpredictable and now join bighorn sheep, released by the South Dakota's GOP wildlife 'management' arm, as opportunities for bikers to die. 

As Wyoming's economy retools from oil, coal and a history of workplace deaths the state has become a more desirable tourist destination especially during the Rally where dying is just part of the fun. Republicans in Wyoming chalk up biker deaths as necessary for the common weal just as South Dakota GOPers do.

Yet, one Earth hating legislator, quack Fred Deutsch, raises campaign cash gallivanting around the red moocher state with a crusade calling a death with dignity by physician assisted suicide "Don't Eat Grandma" or something. Deutsch isn't interested in compassion because he wants big government nanny state control over every aspect of peoples' lives except during the Rally but abhors cultural diversity and perceives the electorate as rabble. These are "pro-life" people who rabidly embrace state-sponsored killing of persons convicted of capital crimes right out of the ALEC playbook and forces Social Security recipients to keep paying property taxes so that income isn’t taxed by a red moocher state like South Dakota.

The good news? Sure, bikers are just tools of the state but hospitals, bars and mortuaries cut a fat hog during the annual orgy and so did the law enforcement industry who seized over $71,000 through civil asset forfeiture and selective interdiction.

Today in 2003, Republican then-U.S. Representative and former four-term Governor Bill Janklow ran his Cadillac through a stop sign and killed 55-year-old motorcyclist Randy Scott.

ip image.

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