
Catholics are leading the crusade to destroy American democracy

Catholicism is hope like gonorrhea is charity. 

Paul McCown became Chief Financial Officer at Wyoming Catholic College in Lander after fellow 'Cowboy Catholic' Kevin Roberts left to become president of the Heritage Foundation.
When Kevin Roberts took over as president of tiny Wyoming Catholic College in 2013, few people outside of its Lander base even knew the school existed. But in just three years, the media-savvy Roberts managed to put the conservative campus in the national spotlight by embracing the term “Cowboy Catholics” and by refusing to accept federal grants and student loans that he felt would compromise the school’s independence and religious freedom. Its original dismissal of Trump as a legitimate candidate forced Heritage to scramble for influence. Roberts and Heritage have vowed not to let that happen again. To lead the “Project 2025” team, Roberts hired two former Trump administration insiders. [Wyoming’s ‘Cowboy Catholic’ could remake government if Trump wins]
Roberts is also a principal in the Council for National Policy and a member of Opus Dei, as is Rick Santorum and Trump attorney general, Bill Barr. 

McCown is serving a 63 month sentence in federal prison for fraud.
According to federal court filings, the fraud began in the spring of 2020 when McCown received $841,863 from the federal coronavirus relief program, or CARES Act, that was administered by the Wyoming Business Council. Alerted to possible fraud by online tips, the Wyoming Business Council conducted an audit in January 2021 and reported its concerns to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. [Former Catholic College CFO sentenced in Lander fraud case]
The Council for National Policy was created in 1981 by the extreme white wing of the Republican Party. Mike Pence is a member of the CNP as is Ohio Representative Jim Jordan (NAZI-OH) so was the late Wyoming resident, Foster Friess who gave $500,000 to a gaggle of religionist organizations in South Dakota just before he croaked. Robert Mercer, the blow-it-all-up Cambridge Analytica guy with billions stashed in South Dakota and ties to Faceberg and Maria Butina is a major donor to CNP. Members have included Oliver North, Jerry Falwell, Steve Bannon, Ginni Thomas, Betsy DeVos, Leonard Leo, current Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and other Earth hating notables. 

Buoyed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and General Michael Flynn are modern Falangists financed by the John Birch Society. Many catholic schools are in the Hillsdale bubble because the curriculum ignores the church’s role in the Native American Genocide and Opus Dei is a cult of Fascists

A long-simmering schism in the Roman Church came to a boil after another Trump worshiping prelate got sideways with His Holiness.

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