
Big Sioux River is still a toxic shit hole

So, a couple weeks ago State Representative Scott Odenbach (R-Spearditch) shared several graphics at his Faceberg page from the state's 2022 report of impaired waterways in South Dakota with concerns that Spearditch Creek might look like the Big Sioux River one day. 

Because of the failures of South Dakota's Republican governors and legislature to control pollution some $172 million has been set aside for pipelines and drinking water improvements including in this interested party’s home town of Elkton where dairies and nitrates have ruined wells.

Look at the color of the river in the lower image. Contact with the Big Sioux River can cause spontaneous abortions in pregnant women but the mayor of Sioux Falls who is likely to run for governor and the congressional delegations from that tristate region are Republican Earth haters elected to bring bacon home to their districts while decrying socialism, big gubmint, the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Army Corps of Engineers who manage the Waters of the United States or WOTUS.

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