
Kennecke sucks up to Noem, abandons Brady Folkens

South Dakota truly is a chemical toilet.

A privileged white woman lost her daughter to an industry that helped elect another Republican governor whom she then thanks for being there. Angela Kennecke just proved again that a squeaky wheel on a Lexus gets more grease than one on a victim's Kia. Somebody was arrested, convicted and sent to prison for contributing to Kennecke's daughter's death by her own hand but Brady Folkens' killers are being protected by an entrenched Republican bureaucracy. Folkens died in South Dakota state custody after a botched diagnosis on December 21, 2013.
Negligent medical care, a false autopsy, forged letters from the state licensing board, and an indifferent wall of silence mandated by the state risk managers are only the tip of the iceberg in this young boy's unnecessary death. South Dakota's leadership (the governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general and their appointees) and their co-conspirators (the Avera leadership in Sioux Falls) have cruelly stiffed the mother of Brady Folkens in her unrelenting struggle to seek closure. Never since the moment Brady unexpectedly died at Avera McKennon Hospital has any one of these enablers ever reached out to Dawn Van Ballygooyen to express sympathy, give condolence, or comfort her for her loss. Their conspiratorial silence and evasion of credibility is simply stunning and, very frankly, basically un-American...Lars Aanning MD, retired surgeon...


  1. I used to like Angela...but joining with Noem (someone who cares nothing over the loss of a life as long as her bank account is full) is a disgrace to her daughter's death. Her daughter died from the same drugs Noem voted no restrictions for...and Noem was probably paid handsomely by the opioid lobbyists

    1. Thanks for your frank comment.

      Just like the Children's Home Society is being protected by Pennington County Republicans afraid of losing face after Serenity Dennard's disappearance KELO has buried Noem's extramarital affair with Jim Meidinger over fear of losing advertisers. South Dakota's experiment with single party rule has moved from tyrannical to criminal and it's unlikely anything will ever change.

  2. A cynical observer might see Republican former South Dakota Governor Denny Daugaard's decision to close two state-owned boot camps to drive kids into the clutches of the Children's Home Society where he enjoys a financial interest.


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