
New poll: whose testicles will Hillary crush?

Yes, even The Donald has thrown his hair into the ring. Whose testicles would you most want to see Hillary Clinton crush?

Choose your loser: vote now!


  1. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHahahaha
    She wont even make it!

  2. Thank you for gracing my humble garden with such a nice pile of dung.

  3. She's also an official supporter of Monsanto and GMO

  4. Name an electable Democrat who has no negatives.

  5. I think the whole system has fail us. It is for sale to the highest bidder. That why I choose to live simple and acquire no debt,do good things for the communities,etc.

  6. I believe Hillary is the white flag of surrender so that a Republitard will be elected and quite the sheeple. It is a fixed game so figure it out!Its just like when Romney ran,a white flag of surrender!!

  7. Racism has emboldened earth haters while young people and Latinos still bolster Democrats in the Mountain West: posted at the LA Times.

  8. It will be very difficult for Dem to win after losing heavily in 2010 and 2014 and after 8 years of an ineffective Dem pres. Thus, many Dem probably feel that now is the time to rid themselves of HC, who neither understands herself nor is a likebale person.

  9. The Dem Party has lost the white blue collar vote, has no program, rants about gay marriage and "war on women. You'd never know they were once the party of social-democrats. They are living in the past and hostage of a mall faction of radical environmentslists. They have suffered huge losses in Congress, gov office and st legislature past 4 1/2 years.

  10. Wish in one hand, shit in the other and see which fills with dreams first, Mr. Stevens.

    Clinton is not my first choice but holding the White House is critical to my party. Her veep pick will cinch that.


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