
Sex trade flourished under Rounds, spikes under Daugaard: Johnson to brief public

Media Advisory - Press Conference March 17
Contact: Ace Crawford
United States Attorney Brendan V. Johnson will hold a Press Conference on Monday, March 17, 2014, at 11:30 a.m. CST.

WHEN: Monday, March 17, 2014, at 11:30 a.m. CST. Members of the media should arrive by 11:00 a.m. due to extra security measures.

WHERE: United States Attorney's Office, 325 S. 1st Ave., Suite 300, Sioux Falls, SD.

NOTE: Media must enter through the third floor reception area. ALL media MUST PRESENT GOVERNMENT-ISSUED PHOTO ID (such as driver’s license) as well as VALID MEDIA CREDENTIALS. Press inquiries regarding logistics should be directed to Community Services Coordinator Ace Crawford at 605.341.1915 or 605.838.6092.

If human trafficking came to a halt what would legislators do for amusement in Pierre during the session? The GOP calls rape "the pursuit of sexual freedom."

Habitat destruction, lapses in ethics, scandal, crime spikes, increased incarceration rates, more people infected with sexually transmitted diseases, the failure of prisons, human trafficking: all mark the terms of Republican governors in South Dakota. The state leads the nation in the growth of violent crime.
Three years ago, prostitution was an afterthought for Sioux Falls police. There were six arrests in 2010: Four for prostitution, two for pimping. For more than a decade, federal law has defined those pushed into sex for money through force, fraud or coercion as victims, but acceptance of that definition within law enforcement has come slowly. The biggest formal change came last year, as U.S. Attorney Brendan Johnson convened a human-trafficking task force, which included law enforcement from the state Division of Criminal Investigation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Sioux Falls police and the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Office. [AP, Pierre Capital Journal]
From KOTA teevee:
Human sex trafficking is happening right here in South Dakota. Nearly 100 people turned out to hear speakers teach about human trafficking and raise awareness about the problem in our area. Speakers included Brendan Johnson, the United States attorney for South Dakota, Brent Gromer, South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation, and Hollie Strand, a forensic interviewer for the Child Advocacy Center of the Black Hills. [Alexandra Montgomery, Human sex trafficking conference held; a problem in SD]
Embattled At-large-bottomed Rep. Kristi Noem (earth hater-SD) has opened a can of worms by bringing sunlight to the pollutants generated by agriculture in a state where the levels of toxicity in soils is off the charts in most watersheds.
A few years ago, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced they wanted to regulate dust to the point that it would have been hard for farmers to dig their fields unless it had rained that week. OSHA doesn’t belong on family farms, and the law clearly states that. They don’t need to be threatened with more regulatory oversight to make sure they’re operating in a way that keeps their family safe. [some Noem staffer]
Even the conservative Billings Gazette editorial board gulped then praised the new EPA emissions rules:
How big a problem is mercury pollution? It’s a bigger concern in New England where wind patterns tend to carry emissions from other states. But even in Montana, dozens of lakes have such high levels of mercury that people are advised to avoid or limit consumption of fish caught in them. Mercury is particularly bad for children and women of childbearing age because of the damage it does to a developing fetus and to a child’s growing brain.

For one semester I attended Roosevelt School on E. North Street in Rapid City. The school is now a huge pawn shop. My friend Edgar Lone Hill and I decided to walk one of the girls in our fourth grade class home. When we got to her house her mother came out and screamed, “You dirty little Indians stay away from my daughter.” We were never friends with her again. Native Americans were forbidden by law to enter any establishment where alcohol was served. In fact, Indians could be barred from any establishment in Rapid City at the behest of the business owner. Kind of reminds me of the law the Arizona lawmakers tried to initiate last week. I learned to say the Pledge of Allegiance before “one nation under God” was added in 1954. As I grew up the words “with liberty and justice for all” sort of stuck in my craw because I knew them to just be words with no connection to reality. [Tim Giago, Liberty and justice for all -- except Native Americans, indianz]

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